Liquid Immersion


Where do I buy Liquid Immersion tanks?
You are in the right place! We manufacture and sell tanks, See the "Crypto Tanks" link or use the contact form to discuss your needs.

What is Liquid Immersion?
Liquid immersion is the process of submerging electronics into a non-conductive liquid, The most common reason to do this is for heat transfer from the electronic components.

Crypto ASIC Liquid Immersion?
This is the process of applying liquid immersion cooling to cryptocurrency ASIC miners. ASIC miners generate a lot of heat and are most commonly air-cooled with fans. Liquid immersion is more effective to cool these devices

Why Liquid Immersion for crypto mining?
Cooling, noise reduction and over-clocking are some of the reasons folks are using liquid immersion for ASIC cryptocurrency miners.

Liquid Immersion Vs. Water Cooling
Liquid immersion submerges the entire electronic device in a non-conductive liquid. Water cooling, on the other hand, uses a heat transfer block that is filled with liquid water. It is allowed to circulate through the block, which is in contact with the electronic component you are trying to keep cool. Water cooling often replaces air-cooled heat sinks on computer chips with heat sinks that allow for water to flow through them. The water in a water-cooled system never comes in direct contact with the electronic components as it does with liquid immersion.
